Monday, March 31, 2008

What If You Realise You Have A Crush on Someone?

That's a question that has been bothering, really, what do u do when you realise you have a crush on a friend?

I have actually asked a few guy friends their opinion on it...and most of them told me that it's cool to let him know. It depends alot on how you tell him. start with, I am very worried about losing the friendship. I have this feeling that one would distant himself if he doesn't feel the same way, and that would be really bad....sigh...

Anyway, I have another question which I often's often you have silly crushes n then, nothing happens n life goes on...n you guys are still friends...would it be a good idea to let your friend knows that you used to have a crush on him? just wondering...hahah...


K said...

i think it depends on a lot of things.
i've had a lot of crushes on friends, some even really close friends. some of them i've told, some of them i haven't, and some of them i probably would never tell.

for those whom i HAVE told, it was because i've reached the point where i was so comfortable with them that i knew it wouldn't affect the friendship. that, plus the feeling was over and they weren't the type of people who'd freak out over something like that.
they are still my very close friends now.

those whom i have told, are either because there's too much to lose, or i can't be bothered. ;)

all the best!
but i do personally believe that people deserve to know that they are liked.

Cmate said...

Read his body language - it will tell you if he likes you more than just friend. Based on that, decide on your action.

If it's over and done with, I don't think there is harm in letting your friend know you ONCE HAD a crush on him. Afterall, it's now, not the past. Unless he also had a crush on you la!

ellacy said...

dear k, thanks for such a long reply..n YES, I totally agree with you..I think people deserved to know they are liked..cos well, it will make someone's day..:)

Dave Avran said...

you don't necessarily have to come right out and say it, el sweetie. small gestures like inviting him for a coffee, getting him a cute little gift and exchanging text messages will let you gauge if he's reciprocating your feelings.

cybermate is right about body language too. if you read that he's interested, turn up the heat a notch. otherwise just enjoy the friendship.

you're a good looking girl and i'm sure you will do your fair share of heartbreaking : )

ellacy said...

hmmm....check list..

1. Gng for coffee or mamak..checked
2. Gift..checked
3. Text messages..checked

I m not sure about body language tho...this is actually really weird, cos I usually can tell instinctively, but somehow I just can't get any 'answers' this time..sigh...

but thanks for the pointers..will look out for them..:p

Cmate said...

Can't get any 'answers' this time?

Gosh, your crush must be really really deep then. When you are inside a box too much, you just lose all sense of sensing. Try standing out of the box instead.

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