Recently, one of my good friends got married...this friend gave me hope at one point in my life..hope in love..believing in myself when no one else does...I am truly happy for him that he has found the special someone to share his life with... :) The wedding was held in Langkawi, it was a beach wedding...lots of planning n organising...but it was all worth it..cos the wedding went well, despite the rain which started right at the end of the photo session...
I remember vividly when he told me he was getting married...it was over dinner...and he casually said.."I would be leaving the bachelor brigade for good.."..I went "oh...ok..".and so we had our order taken...then I turned to him and asked "so..u asked already??" He laughed and said, "of coslah...u think i go around telling everyone I am getting married before asking?" hahah....yups..I was pretty surprised actually..hahaha...and then I asked him, "so, how do u know when to make such a huge decision?"..he said, "when u already know she's THE one..why wait?" ...
So, how does the feeling of knowing the other person IS the person you are going to share your life with, feels like? .....:(
Only one way to find out :D
Well, you know it when you know it.
Being in love is a blissful feeling... but loving someone is something else. Knowing that someone is going to be sharing your life a lifetime, it's a strange feeling inside. It's bittersweet.
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