Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I only bake whenever I am inspired or feeling happy...I don't know why. So, recently, I felt like baking a chocolate cake (that's kinda like the only cake I never fail..hahah)...but I don't have the mixer or anything that is baking related per se. Decided to buy the materials, a whisk and the baking pans. One problem..I have never mix the batter manually before..but there's always the first time and I am going to give it a go!

I enjoyed baking...putting everything together and see the result at the end. Of course, when the result is good, there's a real satisfaction. I don't like cakes, so my ex-housemates were really lucky whenever I bake...:p Anyway, below are the pics of my most recent chocolate cake! I haven't bake for a LONNNGGGG time...more than 2 years or maybe 3...so long ago, I couldn't remember..that says something isn't it..:(

Friday, August 15, 2008

Little details..of everything...

I kinda stop counting..the number of weeks I have been in London. Time flies really fast here! Maybe 200% faster than in Malaysia...SERIOUSLY!

Anyway, I have noticed quite a number of things..little details of London..which I think it's pretty interesting..

1. Most girls wear flats here...probably cos everyone walks..and heels would have killed many!
2. Almost everyone has an earphone to an ipod or equivalent...walking or in the tube. Anywhere!
3. Umbrella is a NECESSITY!
4. Sun is moody...feels like 4 seasons in a day. Supposed to be summer, mind you!
5. London is full of people from everywhere else in the world but London...:p
6. One can go out without a single penny in the pocket but his Oyster card, and still enjoy the day!
7. Many many big and expensive cars..cars I used to only heard/never even heard of!
8. Alchoholic drinks are for ANYTIME of the day!
9. Public transport is PUNCTUAL!
10. There is never enough TIME! (a lot of it lost in transition)

I remember having a longer list whilst I was on the bus home...but just cannot remember now...:( am pretty tired to be honest. I have never felt so tired before, even when I am on a production. And this is just smile and take orders and make coffee....it's a very robotic job..sigh...I guess passion plays a big role!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

For the 1st time..

Today, I went to Potters Field park for the last day of Malaysian Week in London. It started on the 30th July.

Anyway, I didn't really expect alot. I went with the hope of getting some malaysian food. There was a stage, with some dance performance and a 'fake' malay wedding. It was drizzling and I must say, I was quite impressed with the crowd that turned up for the event. And for the 1st time, I actually sat down with an umbrella beside a friend to see the performances. I mean, honestly, I have NEVER stopped by to see any of these stage performances in KL, but today, I actually did. I guess it takes you to be out of the country to see what you tend to overlook when you are at home.

After about 15 minutes, we went for the food. I paid 4.50 pound for a plate of chicken rendang and nasi briayani. It was decent, quite nice...in fact. There weren't enough chairs and tables, so we ended sitting on the grass with the bench as our table, holding an umbrella and enjoying our meals. It's the malaysian way....:p

Here are some pics I took. :)