Thursday, January 15, 2009

Year 2009!

A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It's NEWWWW YEARRRRR!!! what happened to 2008?

I was complaining to a friend that I didn't do much in 2008...but she told me, " You did. You came to London!" Haha...yeah..She is right! I guess 2008 has been a significant year in that sense... A HUGE one!

Anyway, like always, year after year, whenever it's new year's season...I always want to write a list of new year's resolutions..and it's always postponed to a few weeks into the new year...I told myself tonight that I have to sit myself down and write the list no matter what...

So, this year, I would like to keep my list practical and achievable..hehe..(learning from past years) it is, with hope that I will be able to achieve all of it..or at least 75% of it..:p


1. Work hard. Live Life.
2. Eat healthier.
3. Spend more time with my family friends.
4. Travel at least 6 countries.
5. Read minimum of 3 books.
6. Make at least 1 short film.
7. Write at least 1 feature script.
8. Paint 5 paintings.

Now that is out of the way...pheewwwww....Just have to keep the list in mind and work on it.

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