It's Spring....walking down the streets amongst all the blossoming flowers is just a wonderful feeling. I am smiling every waking hours..and grateful to have the joy I feel in my heart this season.
So, since my last entry, I have visited Rome and Lisbon. Rome didnot give me a good first impression on my first day of arrival but I got used to its mess after spending some time walking around the city and learnt to appreciate its amazing history. Lisbon is interesting...tried the famous Portuguese tarts in Belem. :) It was really more of a eating trip than a visiting trip...hehe
But as much as travelling is an exciting part of my current life, this chapter of my life is made extra wonderful by the fact that I met Steffan about a month and 6 days ago. :) Just before we met, I was wondering if the butterflies in the stomach feeling does really exist or is it just another mere falling in love ideals? I asked a few friends the same question I had at that time and received two kinds of responses. They were...YES, there is no such things in real life and NO, if you don't feel the butterflies, then he is not the right one. So I was left with no conclusion. Then I met Steffan. As cliche as it sounds, I had a funny feeling thinking about him after the first few dates...and it was a good funny feeling..:) We just clicked! And the fact that we could spend time just walking and talking without having a real destination and still enjoying each other's company, made me smile. I am still smiling...:)

So, YES...I think I am in love....:) It is SPRING IN EVERY WAY...LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL...:)