Sunday, October 24, 2010

A blink of an eye, and it's end of October!!

Oh man...!! Like how lil Georgie would say...It's almost November and my last entry was April..haha...So, how have I used up my last 6 months...Major change..would be me back in Malaysia!!

It was a mixed feeling to be home. Well, I was weather shocked and price shocked at first..It took me quite awhile to accept that Malaysia is HOT and EXPENSIVE! Was definitely nice to see my family and friends...and the food of cos!!

Was lucky to get a job pretty quickly, otherwise it would be tough. Worked for a month and then made a trip to Phuket to see the kids. Although it was only 4 days, it was worth it...during the trip I also experienced on of the most beautiful sunset Surin beach. Both me and See Ming were mesmerised by it!!

Followed by Steffan's visit to Malaysia!! Yeay....was so happy to see him. It was 2 months plus since I left the UK, and all this while we had kept in touch through emails and skype. Brought him around to have a local taste of Malaysia. Glad that he is adventurous enough to try all the hawkers' food and like them...all except durians. Hehe..can't blame him, there are Malaysians who can't take them either. We also managed to squeeze some time out to make a short trip to Bali, which was very nice as well.

And yes, not to forget my Birthday!! Had a few gatherings for my birthday this year....cut a few cakes..haha...

Last but definitely not least..I AM SWIMMING!! Because this is such a big deal in my life, I will write one entry just for it..:)