I am currently in between jobs, in a less refined phrase..well, m jobless....:( Yups..no income, just outcome...It is a good break from all the different kind of jobs I have been taking on...and FINALLY I am about the enjoy the fruits....:) As much as I am looking forward to it, I am also quite scared of it..looking at my schedules..haha...but it's all good. I haven't really have a day of nothing-to-do day ever since I stopped work, which in a way it's a good thing..I truly enjoy keeping myself occupied and feeling "important"...
So, I am going to travel quite a bit in August which is one of the main reasons I came over to England. After August, one of my resolutions for this year will be accomplished!! woo hoooo....at least 6 countries..:p I am going to be broke too,..this must be the most expensive birthday gift to myself so far in my life!
Nothing really much have happened since my last update..really. I cut my hair just 3 days ago...A haircut in London generally costs about GBP30 to GBP50. I certainly can't afford it...so I went for the GBP5 student cut by the Vidal Sassoon Academy..it has been recommended by quite a few ppl..so I decided to go for it. It is truly just GBP5, but I spent about 3 hours plus sitting on the chair, just for a simple trim n reshape..sigh...well, I guess when you don't pay the price, you pay with your patience. It was good though, I am happy with it.
On other aspects of my life, hmm...well, I went for lunch with a new friend...it's worth mentioning because I had a great lunch company. :) oh well...yeah..I am smitten..I must admit..but I hope it passes....sighhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Recently too, I got a text from a friend saying that a very adored director, Yasmin Ahmad has left us..I was truly shocked by the news..and still is. It is a BIG loss to the film industry in Malaysia and to us who has known her as a friend, we will certainly miss her. Life is way too unexpected...You will never know what comes next...so, cherish today and live your best!! For those whom I have met along the way so far, we met for a reason...you have made a mark in my life..thank you! :)